Hi my friends,
I'm coming today with some information about stamina. Something I really recommend to improve, especially for all of you who feel that some energy is missing while performing or singing or dancing or touring (or living)...
There are quite a few posts about "how to improve stamina" (and I'll suggest some of them below) BUT I'll just mention the #DaniWendlerTop4 that make absolute sense to me in my life as a performer and a human being... (*)
First the first...
I would like to briefly refer to stamina as the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort. (Oxford Languages)
I am really aware of this, especially when I have long tours or crazy rehearsal weeks working on very different projects, BUT -whether we like it or not- it's also true that in our time it's common to deal with many demands, deadlines and multiple activities (whether you are a performer or not).
I think that it is important to take the time to do - at least a few - of the activities that improve one's stamina, to not burn out and to make life enjoyable (!).
Make a plan...
When I have a long week or month ahead, before I do anything concrete, I first sit down and look at the "big picture" and in conjunction with that, I #planaroutine that can bring sustainability (stamina) to my work.
So, the #DaniWendlerTop4:
I don't know where exactly you live, but before you start running, you should consider what the floor or surface (and the quality of your shoes!) is like... I've had some bad experiences with bad floors. I'd keep it in mind: If the floor has a lot of bumps or is too hard, it can directly affect the joints (and we don't want to build stamina at any cost)
What works for me is running at the gym. Yeah, I know... a bit boring, but 10 to 20 minutes on the treadmill is something I can really recommend. *If you get bored easily (like me), take your headphones and listen to a nice podcast * :)
These are exercises that can strengthen your deep muscles. "During isometric exercises, the muscle doesn't noticeably change length. The affected joint also doesn't move. Isometric exercises help maintain strength." (mayoclinic.org)
Wall sit, high plank hold, side plank, glute bridge... (**) In fact, there are many asanas (yoga postures) that can also work as an isometric exercises.
I would suggest (because of the world we live in) to practice meditation and yoga as often as possible. There are many types and schools, you should see which one suits you best.
In my experience (and in terms of "stamina building"), I would recommend Jivamukti Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga. Are two practices that are a bit strong, but worth it!
I add stretching to yoga and meditation, because for me it is always connected to the breath, a slower time and a kind of introspection... If you do not feel confident with stretching, I would really recommend it.
It will definitely change your physical and mental attitude.
Try to drink as much water as possible. Please singers! (and as I always tell my students), have a glass of water near you and alternate between singing and resting.
It's important to dose the practice!
Someone said 2 to 3 liters of water a day. How does it look for you?
Another option to hydrate is -for example- an humid sauna. It's not only a good wellness experience, but also a very good hydration...! Actually, the steam is a "direct hydration" for your vocal folds. If you are in Germany, please go ahead! Many gyms offer a sauna service, which is usually already included in your membership!
And then sleep, yes, yes. Especially if you are a performer, 7 to 8 hours of sleep is essential.
See you around my friends...!
Here below are some references to expand your personal research :)
Have a staminic weekend amiwis and don't forget to let me know how it went...
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